Bitcoin, a virtual currency that is becoming more real

A Norwegian bought these virtual currency worth for $ 27 and now has nearly a million.
In 2009 , Satoshi Nakamoto, a pseudonym that can refer to more than one person , created a decentralized currency called bitcoin . A Norwegian student Khristopher Koch , learned of this project and thought it would be interesting to invest a small amount of money. Seduced by the idea , bought your computer through the moderate figure of 5,000 bitcoins .
At that time, the development of digital currency and froze Norwegian forgot this little adventure had cost a reasonable 20 euros.

Immersed in completing her thesis on Internet encryption 5,000 bitcoins forgot it had acquired. But four years later, in April 2013, the currency reached the price of 193 euros per piece . After the barrage of news about bitcoins , Koch recalled its investment and wanted to find out how he evolved.
"I had to rush to find the password to my account," said the Norwegian student newspaper NKR . When Koch was able to know what had been their investment could only wonder as it had reached 657,000 euros. With this surprise forgetful Norwegian has purchased a home in the most expensive area of Oslo .
Koch 's case highlights one of the major problems of the virtual currency. Since they are not subject to any central body to regulate its price, its value fluctuates with great severity .
An example , in April 2013 the price of 196 euros currency reached one of its peaks, for some days after falling to 36 and then grow again . These drastic changes in value detractors serve to ensure that the virtual currency behind illegal actions and movements of black money hidden .
On the opposite side their defenders maintain that these arguments are unfounded and what actually happens is that the authorities are afraid of losing control over the minting and circulation of money is located.
In fact , the U.S. is considering the possibility of monitoring the virtual currency. In this country, the creation of a system of currency to rival the dollar is considered high treason and punishable for its creators more than 20 years in prison , which prevents shedding light on its creation .
Overall buying bitcoins is restricted to some web services that allow users to have their own virtual wallets in which to store or buy more coins. However they were born to lead projects bitcoin ATMs , so that citizens begin to enjoy the new virtual currency. In protest against the crisis tried to install one in Cyprus. And also one in San Diego, United States.
The last step of bitcoin to the real world took place last Wednesday, when the proposal materialized and began operating in a cafe in Vancouver the first ATM bitcoins . Through a personal account, and from the mobile , the machine lets you change Canadian dollars for the new currency or pay for drinks . The most that can be changed daily are 3,000 Canadian dollars , or what is the same, about 2080 euros.Although its value is subject to significant volatility , demand for bitcoins is increasing. And so it is with its use. Many are already calling him the gold of the digital age but as a coin has a face and cross.
What is ? A bitcoin is a currency that regulates itself through P2P networks automatically. By solving complex mathematical formulas are minted new currency . According to the Foundation bitcoin , market capitalization exceeds 1,900 million, reaching heights that no other virtual currency had reached . The price of an item exceeds $ 200. However, its use is small. Less than 1% of the world population actively uses bitcoins . At present it is estimated that more than 10 million bitcoins in circulation, and the maximum emission is expected at 21 million .

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